The Green Bay Packers story begins in the small Wisconsin town of Green Bay. In 1919, Earl “Curly” Lambeau and George Calhoun brought together a group of young athletes to play against other local squads. The Packers were granted an American Professional Football Association franchise two years later. Formed initially as a semi-professional team, the Packers began their hard-fought journey …
Green Bay Packers Team History
Packers Primary LogoPackers Alternate LogoPackers Wordmark LogoPackers Team MerchEstablished 1919 City Green Bay League History 1921 – Present / National Football League 1919 – 1920 / Independent Team History 1919 – Present / Green Bay Packers Nickname Packers – The Green Bay Packers are among the most iconic teams in the National Football League, and their nickname is a source …